Meta Ads training for charities

Meta is a powerful digital advertising tool for charities in their mission to raise awareness and win more support. Our Meta training is designed to equip teams and individuals to better plan, build, optimise and learn from the campaigns you run on Meta platforms.

Foundation (planning)

Best for: teams who don’t directly work in Meta ads, but work with other teams or agencies to plan Meta ad campaigns.


By the end of this session, you should be able to:

  • Decide if Meta is a good fit for your campaign
  • Understand how your ads might look across different placements and platforms
  • Understand what visual format of ads to choose for what you’re hoping to achieve
  • Know the different types of audiences available on Meta are, and be able to apply logic to planning and targeting them
  • Understand how your campaign objectives align with Facebook’s standard objectives and pick the right one for your campaign
  • Understand what KPIs apply to your campaign performance and why these are important to track and adjust for
  • Use rules of thumb to decide how much media spend to set aside for your campaigns
  • Understand the pixel and how this is used to measure campaign performance

Intermediate (setting up)

Best for: teams who work directly in Meta ads or with agencies who deliver this work.


By the end of this session, you should be able to:

  • Understand how your ads are selected and placed on the platform, and improve your chances of winning ad placements
  • Plan, layer, build and exclude audiences within the platform, including using nesting tactics to reduce overlap and improve budget efficiency
  • Understanding what kinds of campaign structures to use depending on what you want to test and learn
  • Understand when to use static or dynamic ads or both
  • Understand the learning phase and how this plays a role in how you plan your budget, audiences and structure
  • Understand the health metrics impacted by each part of your campaign and what kinds of tactics to apply to manipulate these
  • Understand how a pixel is set up and how Facebook uses the feedback loop to improve performance

Advanced (optimising)

Best for: individuals who directly deliver campaigns on the platform. This is designed for users who already have or are familiar with intermediate training concepts.


By the end of this session, you should be able to:

  • Understand the concept of liquidity as it applies to audiences, budgets, placements and scheduling, and how this impacts your campaign planning
  • Understand how different bidding strategies might give you advantages in the ad auction
  • Understand what a dashboard looks like and how to interpret the results against historical KPIs or benchmarks
  • How to use problem-solving steps to troubleshoot campaign performance and isolate problems to key parts of your campaign
  • Know how to plan and execute different types of optimisations and when
  • Understand what types of pixel events should be used for reporting and which for optimisation, and what the difference is between these

Email [email protected] to book your session.

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