Getting started with Google Ads

Image of a tablet for getting started with Google ads

We’ve all gotta start somewhere. If you’ve found this blog, chances are you already know more than most. In this blog, we’re going to give a rundown of what Google Ads is, how it works and how to get started. See you in the comments!


What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is Google’s advertising platform which lets advertisers pay to appear on search engine results pages (SERPs), YouTube, across the Google Display Network, as well as AOL search,, and other search engines powered by Google.

Google Ads operates on a PPC model (pay-per-click), which means that advertisers only pay when a person clicks the ads. This means it is great value for driving online actions.

To put it simply, search engines exist to connect searchers to related content based on the intent of each search query. Search engines then make their revenue from matching advertisers with related searches. This is great for users because it means Google is incentivised to make sure the ad results are also relevant.


Who uses it?

Everyone, well, almost everyone. Google’s current global market share is a staggering 74.52%. While this is impressive, Google actually accounted for 97 percent of mobile phone traffic in 2017, mainly because they are the default browser on Android phones. Yikes!


How does it work?

If someone is searching for information, there’s a good chance they’ll ‘Google it’. That market dominance means that Google Ads is a great place to start advertising online.

If that wasn’t a big enough reason, Google actually gives charities up to $10,000 per month of in-kind advertising spend for search ads from the Google Ad Grants program. Learn how to apply for a Google Ad Grant here.

This means that whether someone is searching for ‘local charities’ or ‘local animal charities’, you can use Google Ads to match that search intent with your charity, event or news story.


How can I use it?

Our blog on getting started with your Google Ad Grant for JustGiving goes into the best way to get started with the Grant, check it out.


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