The charities we donated £1,000 to each

Screenshot of the trussell trust website design

Each of our team members gets £1,000 to donate to charity every year. 

We do this because we want to support the charity sector through more than our client work.

Charities can always use support via donations, especially with the effects of coronavirus on the sector, so this (along with initiatives like Control R and Digital Candle) is one of the ways we try to support the sector. 

How it works

Everyone on the team spends a few weeks thinking about who they want to support. They can choose charities they’ve always supported, charities whose services are particularly important at that time – any cause they care about. 

They can give their £1,000 all to one charity or split it between several charities. 

Once they’ve chosen who to support, Platypus makes the donation to the charity that they choose. 

This year’s charities 

We just finished making our donations for 2020.

A lot of the charities our team selected are working to alleviate food poverty, which is clearly an issue close to the collective heart of our team.

Here’s all charities we supported. Check out the awesome work they all do and support it too if you can. 

  • Women’s Aid, who are at the forefront of shaping and coordinating responses to domestic abuse (even more important during coronavirus and lockdown)
  • Sufra NW addresses both the causes and consequences of extreme poverty, homelessness and social isolation in the community, and run a food bank, community kitchen and other services.
  • Solace Women’s Aid, support women and children in London to build safe and strong lives free from male abuse and violence.
  • Freshfields Animal Rescue care for abandoned, abused and unwanted domestic and small farm animals along with sick and injured wildlife.
  • Southwark Food Bank have been making contact-free deliveries for people in the borough who are unable to buy food throughout coronavirus. 
  • Trussell Trust supports a nationwide network of food banks who provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty, and campaign for change to end the need for food banks in the UK.
  • Muslim Youth Helpline provide pioneering faith and culturally sensitive services to Muslim youth in the UK
  • Lymphoma Out Loud is run by our search marketing exec Charlotte. They educate, empower and ensure everyone knows the signs and symptoms of lymphoma.
  • CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) is leading a movement against suicide, the single biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK.

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