Samaritans’ always-on paid search approach with Platypus raises £135,000

Samaritans had been running paid search campaigns alongside specific appeals. This had worked well for a long time. 

But the charity was keen to try a new approach. 

They had set a spend target of £24,000 for the year and a modest return on ad spend goal of 2.65. 

What we did

Platypus worked with Samaritans to develop an always-on paid search strategy. This encompassed both cash donations and regular giving campaigns. 

Alongside delivery, our team provided training and support to help Samaritans’ staff gain confidence in managing and discussing paid search internally.

We focused on delivering results while fostering a collaborative partnership. Our clear reporting and proactive optimisations allowed Samaritans to focus on strategic decisions rather than day-to-day campaign management.

The results

The results were awesome:

*   We generated £135,000 income from a £45,000 spend 

*   Overall web income increased significantly 

*   The percentage of overall website visitors making a cash gift increased

Beyond the income, the Samaritans team increased their confidence in understanding and managing effective paid search strategies.

“It’s been one of those real success stories in the organisation. Low effort from our side, and it felt like a really great way to generate a lot of income for the charity.”

– Jade Deeley, Head of Individual Giving, Samaritans

Samaritans donation page

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