We did it: We’re a certified B Corp™!

Overall B Impact Score. Based on the B Impact assessment, Platypus Digital earned an overall score of 108.0. The median score for ordinary businesses who complete the assessment is currently 50.9. 108 Overall B Impact Score. 80 Qualifies for B Corp Certification. 50.9 Median Score for Ordinary Businesses

In the words of Professor Farnsworth from Futurama, ‘Good news everyone!’

Platypus Digital is officially a certified B Corp! 

This is a massive deal for us. We’ve worked hard behind the scenes and are thrilled to share the news with you. 

So, what’s a B Corp?

A certified B Corp is a company that publicly pursues purpose and profit. It’s an external measure of an ethical business.

B Corp status is a badge of honour that shows we can demonstrate our company goals go beyond profit and that our operations and governance reflect this.

What does B Corp status mean?

B Corp status is external validation that as a business you are, in fact, an all-around good egg. 

Our successful certification means that we join over 600 fellow B Corp companies in the UK, including household names like The Guardian, Innocent, Patagonia, and The Body Shop.

To certify as a B Corp, there’s a rigorous, evidence-based testing process, where we’re measured against five key standards:

  1. Governance

Standard 1 determines whether we’re a transparent organisation with a robust code of ethics. We have to demonstrate our commitment to whistleblowing, following best practices, and mutual accountability.

  1. Workers

Standard 2 determines whether we’ve created a great place to work for our team – something that means a lot to us. 

It assesses if and how we’re creating career development opportunities while ensuring the health, wellness, and safety of our employees, and how we track their job satisfaction and engagement.

  1. Environment

Standard 3 ensures we run our business in an environmentally conscious way, looking at our environmental management system, the efficiency of our supply chains, and utilities use.

  1. Community

Standard 4 is all about our positive social impact on the community around us, our volunteering and charitable giving, and our commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion in all our operations.

  1. Customers

Standard 5 looks at gathering and measuring feedback from all our stakeholders (not just shareholders). 

It examines our complaints mechanisms, how we monitor outcomes, and ensure wellbeing for everyone we work with.

You can read more about our impact in these five areas in our first-ever impact report, published last year. 

You can also do a deep dive into the details of our scores on our B Corp profile page.

Why does B Corp status matter?

Charities are – by their very nature – ethical organisations that promote the values demonstrated by B Corp companies. 

It’s reassuring to know that your partners, suppliers, and colleagues share your values (and it’s a necessary safeguard as part of your due diligence process).

It’s one thing for an agency themselves to claim that they are nice. B Corp status is proof that we do what we say on the tin. Proof that we live and breathe the values we promote to the outside world.

B Corp status is an easily recognisable symbol of quality, ethics, and social responsibility. We’re delighted to be part of the movement redefining success in British business to be as much about people and the planet as profit.

Right, we’re off to celebrate!

About B Lab UK:

B Lab UK is transforming the economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet. A leader in economic systems change, our global network creates standards, policies, and tools for business, and we certify companies—known as B Corps—who are leading the way. To date, their global community includes 4,600 B Corps in 79 countries and 153 industries, and over 150,000 companies manage their impact with the B Impact Assessment and the SDG Action Manager.

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